“No one ever
tells us to stop running away from fear...the advice we usually get is to
sweeten it up, smooth it over, take a pill, or distract ourselves, but by all
means make it go away.” ~ Pema
defusion isn’t working for me. I’m not
feeling better. This is a common barrier
that arises when people start to practice and apply thought defusion on a
regular basis. At first, people are
simply curious to see what will happen. They
have no expectations. Overtime though if
we become used to having a particular distancing and calming effect of
defusion- we can start to expect this.
And we’re none too happy when this doesn’t happen.
would be lying to you if I said that I didn’t enjoy when I feel some sense of
relief when I apply defusion after a period of being extremely hooked by some
unhelpful thoughts. I often have to
remind myself, and others, that Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is all
about living better rather than feeling better.
This can be such a difficult concept for us to get our heads
around. We are in a “feel good” society
as the opening quote by Pema Chödrön
illustrates so beautifully.
We have years and years of conditioning that tells
us that fear, anxiety, sadness, frustration, guilt and anger are “bad”. Conversely happiness, surprise and excitement
are “good”. If we look at the nine basic
emotions, as Dr. Russ Harris does in his best-selling book The Happiness Trap,
we will soon realize that we are hoping to feel one third of our emotions 100%
of the time. A very clear recipe for
I would like to share a very common barrier that
arises for my clients, group and workshop attendees. And the best way to overcome this barrier is
for me to ask you a question. If you
would like the more entertaining version, which involves me singing unhelpful
thoughts to the tune of Happy Birthday, then you can click here.
Here’s the scenario.
Both Ann and Mary have social anxiety. They both get hooked by the thought “I might
have a panic attack” before they go to any event. They are both learning to do thought defusion
as a way of overcoming their common thinking traps. They both value relationships and would
really like to reconnect with old friends who they have lost contact with as
they have been buying into their anxious thoughts and moving further and
further away from who and where they want to be.
Ann decides to do defusion by saying the thought
“I’ll have a panic attack” into the Talking Tom App and finds it really funny
hearing it back. She starts laughing and
immediately feels better. She decides to
stay in and enjoy the feeling of not being anxious.
Mary decides to do defusion by singing her thought
“I’ll have a panic attack” along to the tune of Happy Birthday. Afterwards, she feels really bad. If anything, she feels worse than she did
before she did the defusion. However,
taking the time to do the exercise gave her a chance to reconnect to her values
of relationships and connection so she decides to go out to meet her friend
even though she still has the thought and continues to feel anxious.
Which person do you think did thought defusion from
an ACT perspective? Which one moved
closer towards her values? This is often
easier to see for others than it is for us to see for ourselves.
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