He who has a why… can bear almost any how. ~ Fredrick Nietzsche
Exams are such a stressful time for so many people. Here are some tips that can be applied to any
exam, and are particularly relevant to those preparing to sit the Leaving Cert.
mindful of task/exam when anxiety arises.
Remember that the vast majority of people feel anxious going into an
exam. Research by Rich and Woolever
found most students have similar levels of anxiety. Those who focused on their self-doubts and
other factors that were not relevant to the current exam did worse than those
who could acknowledge their anxiety and refocus on the exam at hand.
mindful of your breath as an anchor.
While waiting to turn over your exam paper, this is an ideal opportunity
to anchor yourself in your breath and your breathing. From a mindfulness perspective as long as we
are breathing there is more right with us than wrong with us regardless of
whatever your mind might be telling you to the contrary. In times of high anxiety, mindfulness expert
Thich Nhat Hanh suggests it can be particularly useful to say the phrases
“breathing in, I am aware that I am breathing in” as you breath in and
“breathing out, I am aware that I am breathing out” as you breath out to help
maintain your focus on your breathing.
mindful of time. Time management can
be an issue for many students. Being
mindful of time throughout your exam can greatly improve your chances of answering
all questions and giving you the best chance of getting the best grade for
you. Psychologically many of us need
contextual cues, or reminders, to help us to remember to be mindful of time. One way to do this is to put a little “T” in
a circle, or a figure of a clock in the margins of your answer booklet in light
pencil. This will serve as a prompt to
be mindful of your time.
mindful of “towards” and “away” moves. It
can be very easy to get caught up in judgments such as “right” or “wrong” and
“good” or “bad” both during and/or after exams.
In the recent book The ACT Matrix,
I shared that when we get caught up in these judgments we often find it more
difficult to get back to the moment, and what matters. It can be more helpful to acknowledge when we
have moved “away” from what is helpful and important to the exam at hand and
then channel our time and attention to moving back “towards” where we want to
be. This can really minimise the time we
spend beating ourselves up and maximise the time we spend focusing on the exams
that are important to us.
mindful of your thoughts. Many of us
get hooked by unhelpful thoughts at exam time.
It can be useful to identify the prominent themes that arise for you in
an exam, for example “exam failure”, “not enough” or “need to repeat”. Then when these themes arise in the exam you
can simply note “oh, there’s the exam failure/not enough story again” and
refocus on your exam or study for your next exam. Research has shown that this is more helpful
than ignoring or getting caught up in the thoughts.
Be mindful of compassion. Often we are our own worst critics. In times of high stress we can find it
difficult to see the bigger picture. It
can be useful to connect to what your older, wiser, kinder 21 year old self
would say to you to help you during your leaving cert.
Be mindful
of what matters. It is very tempting
to get completely hooked in the points system and what you “have to do”. Meanwhile you can lose sight of why you are
doing the leaving cert in the first place.
Many psychologists, such as Dr. Steve Hayes creator of Acceptance and
Commitment Therapy (ACT), have found that if we focus on the reason behind why
we are doing what we are doing that greatly helps us to make more moves towards
what is important and to get more enjoyment as we do this.
Aisling Curtin is a Counselling Psychologist with the
Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI), founder of ACT Now Ireland and WTF
Psychology Blogger. You can find out
more about her and the workshops she regularly gives in Ireland and
internationally at www.actnowireland.com, www.wtfpsych.blogspot.ie, find ACT
Now Ireland on Facebook or call ACT Now Ireland at 01-4433307.
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